Tuesday, March 10, 2009

out of here.

I bought my cap, gown, and tassel today. I guess it's official - I'm graduating in two months.

And now I just want to go. To India, to Nepal, to Argentina, to Peru, to Equatorial Guinea... anywhere. And I want to live life there or here or anywhere and I want to live in life's beauty and know God and be confident and love wholeheartedly... God, myself, everyone. I want to live out all that we just keep talking about. Good intentions, knowledge... great. Let's just go.

But I guess first I need to find a job that will pay me more than minimum wage (so I can live: "livable wages"), and cheap housing and an attitude that lets me LOVE wherever I'm at.

So this weekend I will research human rights issues in the form of hunger and diseases, and I will shop at Azteca Ranch Market (and eat free samples at Whole Foods), and I will sleep in and do yoga and drink coffee.

And the week will start over yet again until it is spring break. Then I will go home and SLEEP. And eat their food. And glean their knowledge. And come back again and love this place for another month until I'm thrown out into the REAL WORLD.

And I want to love God like I always have. And have the faith of a child. And that I will learn to do again.

1 comment:

Tony's 2 Cents said...

Elise..you are in the real world. your thoughts and desire for life is so encouraging and refreshing. simplicity of following Jesus as it's best..thanks for sharing this..
and praise God we can eat samples at whole food and even feel full.
